- corpustools::corenlp_tokenscoreNLP example sentences
- corpustools::sotu_textsState of the Union addresses
- corpustools::stopwords_listBasic stopword lists
- corpustools::tc_sotu_udpipeA tCorpus with a small sample of sotu paragraphs parsed with udpipe
- RNewsflow::docnetDocument similarity network for one news agency, and the print and online editions of two newspapers
- RNewsflow::rnewsflow_dfmquanteda dfm for RNewsflow vignette demo
- rsyntax::dutchDutch lemma
- rsyntax::quote_punctuationQuote punctuation
- rsyntax::tokens_corenlpExample tokens for coreNLP English
- rsyntax::tokens_dutchclausesExample tokens for Dutch clauses
- rsyntax::tokens_dutchquotesExample tokens for Dutch quotes
- rsyntax::tokens_spacyExample tokens for spacy English
- tokenbrowser::sotu_dataTokens from Bush and Obamas State of the Union addresses
- tokenbrowser::sotu_ldaWord assignments, docXtopic matrix and topicXword matrix of an LDA model of the SOTU data